Tap Portugal, renews statuses and halves requirements
In the evening, Portuguese carrier Tap Portugal announced its new "our commitment to you" policy. It has [...]
In the evening the Portuguese carrier Tap Portugal announced its new "our commitment to you" policy.
In this article:
He did so with an email sent to all members of the Miles&Go loyalty program, in which three facilities are announced.
- Status extended for 12 months for Silver and Gold holders
- Mileage expiration extended by 12 months
- Requirements to renew and level up halved through 2021
At the same time, flexibility programs were confirmed with the possibility of changing a reservation free of charge.
On the dedicated page on the of the company, the conditions of this promotion are described in detail.
Renewal of status (almost) for everyone
The status renewal offer extends the Silver or Gold level only to those who have obtained the card by flying. This means that everyone who has obtained it is excluded Through the offering of Status Match, who received the level as a "free gift" or other ways.
Extension of the validity of miles
In this case, all members of the loyalty program, who have miles earned by flying with the Portuguese company or using the branded credit card, will see the validity of their miles extended by 12 months. But not only that, the same will also apply to miles earned by July 31.
Requirements halved to obtain elite levels
You will be able to become Silver Accumulating 15k qualifying miles or flying 12 segments.
To obtain the level Gold, instead, 25 flights or 35k qualifying miles will be required.
In conclusion
Given the obvious difficulties in resuming travel I believe That this choice will also be made by many other airlines. This move costs (almost) nothing to the companies and is a "nice" operation: if you can't fly (almost) anywhere it is complicated to renew the level and at the same time take advantage of it.
The only thing I do not understand about TAP's offer is why it was decided to exclude from automatic renewal even those who obtained status through status match. But the company has all of 2021 to catch up and change its mind.