Serbia vaccinates tourists, boom in flights to Belgrade
The Covid-19 vaccine rush is not continuing with the same timelines in every country. Different policies implemented are [...]

The race for the Covid-19 vaccine does not continue with the same timing in every country. The different policies implemented are leading toward the emergence of a new form of travel, falling under the category of the vaccination tourism. Strange as it may seem, this is a process that has already begun with some nations beginning to vaccinate foreign nationals, an example being the Serbia.
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Many are beginning to wonder, then, why not treat themselves to a short vacation. It is the perfect time to discover the beauty of this nation, Returning home with a no-cost vaccine, which will open the door to far more experiences. From simple city travel to cruises, to give two examples.
How to get vaccinated in Serbia
The country conducted a general test, if you can call it that, by starting free vaccinations for tourists on the last weekend of March. Long lines snapped almost automatically on the March 27 and 28. Mostly citizens from Bosnia, Montenegro and northern Macedonia came to Serbia. They all headed to the major vaccination centers in Belgrade, giving themselves the best vacation of the last year and a half and, at the same time, the weirdest.
All this is made possible by the excellent work done so far by the central government. Considering how the total population is about 7 million, it is surprising to see that already 2 million citizens have already received their second dose. A larger figure if one considers all those who have received At least the first injection of the Covid-19 vaccine.
A decidedly surprising situation, when compared with the work done in other European countries. All this has prompted Serbia to give away vaccine doses to its "neighbors." It is therefore not out of the question that the weekend open to tourists could be replicated, making Belgrade one of the most popular destinations in the coming month.
Vaccine in Serbia, useful info
Serbia has always left its doors open to visitors. The health emergency did not see the central government act as many other states in Europe did. Initially, no restrictions were planned, but as the months passed, only a PCR test in the 72 hours prior to departure from their country. Considering how the Viminale has clarified the green light for tourist flights abroad over the Easter period, it cannot be ruled out that many will try their hand at this experience.
There is no confirmation, however, regarding the continuation of vaccination to tourists. Various sources report how it is still possible to make reservations. The government, at present, has not yet commented on the matter.
What we do know is that foreigners are given doses of AstraZeneca. Locals, on the other hand, receive injections from Sinopharm and Sputnik. An economic move, for some, but for others, a move dictated by the now approaching expiration date of the AstraZeneca vials. It is not yet clear, however, whether tourists will be given the opportunity to also receive the second dose.
The success of the initiative in the last weekend of March could kick off real programming for foreign nationals. This could prove to be the tourism move of the year.