The Aeolian proposal: stay with vaccine included
Vaccine tourism? Seems to be the future. From the Maldives to America, proposals are beginning to flow: the Maldives has launched the [...]
The vaccination tourism? It seems to be the future. From the Maldives to America, proposals are beginning to flow: the Maldives has launched the 3 V program (visit, vaccine and vacation, all included), Cuba proposed to vaccinate tourists with Soberana serum (which, however, is not recognized in Europe). And if theAlaska proposes to give visitors the first dose of Pfizer, and possibly the second dose as well, New York launched the Johnson & Johnson single-dose idea..
In this article:
What is Italy doing? For now, the idea of vaccine tourism seems far away. But not everywhere: the islands Aeolian, for example, they would be considering a stay + vaccine package.
Vaccinate in the Aeolian Islands: the idea
In Italy, many islands have been the focus of a mass vaccination campaign. The first Covid-free island was Procida, then it was the turn of Capri. But many are the smaller islands that, in the coming days, will be able to achieve herd immunity. Safe places, then, for tourism that does not endanger the residents, but neither the tourists themselves.
Alberto Firenze, Covid emergency commissioner, spoke on the day vaccination for everyone of age began in the Aeolian Islands (last May 8): "We are willing to cooperate with large tour operators to offer tourists a package including accommodation and vaccine to further boost this economic sector, which is crucial to our region. The goal? To vaccinate the 14,000 residents in 15 days, so as to achieve the status of Covid-free. "One must combine the recovery of the tourism economy with the protection of health, to allow visitors to come in peace to Covid-free territories," Florence explained.
What will tourism in Italy look like?
For those who plan to stay on vacation in Italy, a national green pass (in advance of the European Green Pass, expected in mid-June). As Mario Draghi explained, there is a yearning for Italy in the world. And Italy must be ready to welcome world tourism again. Precisely thanks to the Green Pass, tourists from outside the country will be able to travel to our country without quarantine and swabbing requirement.
What about the Italians? If the current rules remain in place, it will be possible to Move freely between yellow regions, while between orange or red regions you will need to have a pass. And, therefore, prove that you have completed the vaccination cycle, swabbed and tested negative, or have been cured of Coronavirus.
Moreover, the rules for the vacations have already been set and recall those of summer 2020: ban on parties to gatherings, separate entry and exit in beach establishments, 10 sqm per umbrella, sanitation of sunbeds and tables whenever the user changes. As was the case last year, equipped free beaches will be able to extend the area occupied at 70% . Reopenings are on a regional basis:
- Abruzzo: June 1
- Campania: there is no single reopening date
- Latium: between May 1 and 15
- Liguria: May 1
- Marche: first weekend of June
- Apulia: May 15
- Emilia-Romagna: May 15
- Sardinia: May 1
- Sicily: May 16
- Tuscany: there is no single reopening date
- Veneto: by May 22.
- covid free
- aeolian islands
- covid-free islands
- travel packages with vaccine
- vaccination tourism
- covid-tested flights