Goodbye problems with the taxi driver
Cab is a very useful means of getting around in new cities that we do not know or when we do not have available [...]

The Cab is a very useful means of move in new cities we don't know or when we don't have our own half of transportation, now with the advent of Uber and other similar companies we have a range of possibilities from which to choose.
In this article:
What if I told you that a startup wants to take the cab to the next level? Like the cab without a taxi driver?
It is called Mapless AI and is the startup of autonomous driving most famous to date and is designing the transportation vehicle of the future, the driverless cab.
Of course, now the market leader is definitely Tesla, its autonomous driving is unrivaled in the market but these are private vehicles, Mapless AI wants to bring this technology back into the world of transportation.

Credits: Mapless AI
"Users will be able to call one of the vehicles with an app, and an operator in downtown Pittsburgh, connected to the vehicle via commercial cellular networks, will guide the car to your location.
...As part of the test program, a person in one of PIT's parking lots summons Mapless's car (a Kia sedan) with an app and an operator in downtown Pittsburgh connected to the vehicle via commercial cellular networks guides it to that person's exact location.
The person enters and drives manually to the terminal. After he leaves, the remote operator takes over again and drives the car to a temporary location where he waits for the next call."
Maples AI
The first test took place in thePittsburgh Airport and it was a real success, the operator still remained on board but the machine performed all the maneuvers correctly:
"Imagine if vehicles managed parking on their own, where everyone went to a designated place when you didn't need them and came back when you did.
There are no more streets littered with cars, no more random parking that consumes space, and no more where you have to remember where you parked."
Jeffrey Kane Johnson co-founder of Mapless AI
A vision futuristic Johnson's but not too distended from reality. Would you ride in a cab without a driver? Let us know in the comments.