Hong Kong gets serious: 500,000 free airline tickets for tourists
We had mentioned it some time ago, now the news seems to be confirmed: Hong Kong will give away 500,000 airline tickets for those who [...]

We had spoken some time ago, now the news seems to be confirmed: Hong Kong will give away 500,000 airline tickets For those who wish to visit the autonomous province of China.
In this article:
As well as virtually all Asian countries, Hong Kong had adopted a policy anti-Covid very hard, closing the boundaries for two years at all, giving a not inconsiderable blow to the tourism. China is still lock to tourists, you will only be able to go if you are a resident, for work or health reasons, hopefully things will improve in the spring.
Meanwhile in Hong Kong, however, something is moving, and after the recent easing of restrictions, now he wants to push the tourism as never before, introducing this interesting initiative.
The Hong Kong government had previously made arrangements and purchased 500,000 tickets with partners Hong Kong Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong Airlines e HK Express, tickets that will be distributed from the March 1 and will have a duration of 6 months.
In addition to 500,000 tickets for incoming tourists, the following will be distributed 80.000 tickets to the inhabitants Hong Kong to be able to travel abroad and other 80.000 tickets to residents of Greater Bay, That is, China's Silicon Valley between Hong Kong and Macau.
How do you enter the Hong Kong ticket giveaway?
As we read On the official website of the initiative, tickets will be distributed in multiple steps starting March 1 with departures from July 2023.
For us in the West, the band is the last one, viz. May, where we can participate in the ticket giveaway. The distribution methods are varied:
- At extraction, you register and play with luck
- First arrived, that is, the first to succeed in registering for the "click day"
- Buy 1 - get 1 free, the most interesting solution because thanks to the agreement with the airlines we will be able to have 2 tickets for the price of 1
To participate, one must keep an eye on both the official website of theairport Hong Kong, but especially the sites of the airlines partners in the initiative.
The free tickets will be all class Economy and do not have any extras that can be paid for separately later, they also do not include the fees which will be charged at the time of issuance. The tickets are all from round trip to and from Hong Kong and are subject to conditions of airlines (some overbooked planes are expected...).
The 65% of the tickets will be distributed in this manner, the remaining 35% will be reserved for companies in the tourism who will distribute them through their channels with special contests or giveaways.
In short, we keep an eye on the websites of Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong Airlines and Hong Kong Express that we an almost free little trip could get away!