Virgin Atlantic launches status match, there is one week to become Skyteam Elite Plus
Virgin Atlantic, the company founded by Richard Branson, has just launched a status match campaign that allows people to get [...]

Virgin Atlantic, the company founded by Richard Branson, has just launched a campaign of status match which allows you to obtain the silver or gold Flying Club card, which is the VS loyalty program.
In this article:

The elevator reserved for Virgin Atlantic passengers at London Heathrow to skip the queue
The company that has London Heathrow Terminal 3 as its home., where it also offers an exclusive elevator to its most loyal passengers, is trying to "steal" customers from competitors with this campaign. Being a full Skyteam member Since last year, having this card allows you to Take advantage of benefits on all alliance airlines, including ITA Airways.
Valentine's Day status match
That VS is an informal company is clear from so many things, starting with How he launches this offer on his site.
If you're not feeling the love from your current airline loyalty program, Virgin Atlantic is here to treat you right. From now until Valentine's Day, the Flying Club will offer British Airways Executive Club members a status match.
The only requirement is to be scheduled for a Virgin Atlantic flight in Premium or Upper Class, Award tickets are also valid because they allow you to accumulate qualifying points and an account in the Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. Here is how the cards will be awarded:
- Those with the Executive Club Gold & Silver level will achieve Flying Club Gold status, the highest
- Those with the Executive Club Bronze membership will receive the Flying Club Silver membership.
Interesting the "promotion" of the Silver BA to the Gold of VS., in the past Virgin had not been so generous. If you meet the requirements in less than 72 hours you will receive a status upgrade that will last 12 months, as with all Flying Club levels.
Is it possible to request MS from a different program?
The answer is yes, to ask is legitimate, but it may not be accepted. The page where you request level parity in fact reports a longer list of competing programs: from Lufthansa to Iberia, Cathay to Singapore.
Let me know in the comments if you recognize this promo.