Want to save 50 euros on your next ITA Airways ticket? Take advantage of the "invite a friend" promotion
Americans call it "member get member" and in Italian it has become introduce a friend, it is the "bribe" that you [...]

Americans call it "member get member," and in Italian it has become introduce a friend, is the "bribe" you get for bringing in a new customer into the arms of a company. It doesn't matter if it's the gym that gives you a week of classes, the provider a month's subscription. If a user brings in a new customer the expense of acquiring that contact will surely be the cheapest possible, which is why companies reward those who make the connection.
Up to 10 thousand points Fly
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This year is the second such promotion in ITA Airways home, the Volare loyalty program is showing significant growth numbers, and these are the typical actions that are taken to increase membership, because then I remember it FFs make money from their members.
The bonus per presenter and friend presented will be 2 thousand points each, with each member having the opportunity to accumulate up to 10 thousand free fly points through this promotion. There is time until Dec. 20 to sign up for Volare using a friend's invitation. To find the invitation code just go to the restricted area.
If you don't have any friends to introduce you and you want to get 2000 points. you can use my submission code , and so we both get a small bonus. In addition to signing up, it is necessary for the friend to make a flight by December 20 in order to get the bonus.
Want 100 thousand Volare points and lots of benefits? apply for
Until next December 10, those who requires the ITA Airways Platinum American Express Card not only has a chance to get a bonus of 100 thousand points Flying, but also to be immediately promoted to the Premium status of ITA Airways' Volare loyalty program until January 2026 and get all Sky Priority benefits when flying ITA and other Skyteam carriers.