What is skiplagging and why you should NOT do it
Sometimes they come back, as they say. Accomplice, probably, to the period of discounts and offers, people started talking again [...]

Sometimes they return, as they say. Accomplice, probably, to the period of discounts and offers, they started talking again about the "skiplagging": a method that, according to many, saves not a little money on the purchase of airline tickets but which, in reality, is quite risky (And which we, of course, have been advising against for years).
In this article:
What is skiplagging
Skiplanning, a phenomenon born a few years ago in the New Continent, consists of booking a flight with a stopover - e.g., a Milan-Bangkok with a stop in Dubai-and not arrive at the final destination (Bangkok) but stay in the city where you have a stopover (Dubai).
Why would a passenger do this? Since, sometimes, paradoxically, this is the cheapest option offered by the companies: that is, the direct flight to Dubai is more expensive than the ticket to fly to another destination with a stopover in the Emirates city.
And it is precisely for this reason that many people choose this option, with all the risks involved.
Why you should NOT do skiplagging
Needless to say, airlines frown upon this practice and, indeed, try to counteract it as much as possible. In the United States, where the phenomenon is widespread, some travelers who have adopted this technique have been caught and fined by carriers: and, also overseas, several airlines-United, Southwest and American Airlines-have sued a site that offers the cheapest skiplagging deals.
What are the risks to passengers
One out of all: that the companies, once they discover our 'trick', decide to cancel the return flight; in addition to that, then, those who practice skiplagging will not be able to embark the suitcase, as the latter can only be picked up at the time of arriving at the final destination. Not to mention, finally, that by adopting this practice. you will not be able to accumulate points.
In conclusion
In short, it is understood: there are no shortcuts to "cheat" the airlines and spend less. The only way to save money, as we always say, is. plan, be flexible On the dates and airports of departure and monitor prices.
Last but not least, another tip we give to save money is to subscribe (free of charge) to the whatsapp channel of The Flight Club: via a message we send discount codes, special offers and, when it happens, even error fares and bargain rates of flights and hotels.