TFC Responds. Here's how to move Avios between "friends" without bleeding out. #spoileralert attention to detail
One of the questions I am most often asked, and to which I have already devoted at least one installment of TFCanswers, [...]

One of the questions I am most often asked, and to which I have already devoted at least one installment of TFC responds, è The one regarding the ability to transfer points and miles between users and among different loyalty programs. However, there is one currency that in recent years, for us Italians, has grown very valuable: I am talking about Avios. British and Iberia use this currency within their loyalty programs., but in the last 2 years the family has also been joined by. Qatar and in early 2025 Finnair. So today 4 carriers are using the same currency and allow users to move points between them, as if they were communicating vessels.
In this article:
There is a problem, however, if husband and wife, for example, want to move points to Qatar they will not then be able to join them in a family group easily, other times it is a friend who has a handful of points who wants to give them away and does not have the option to do so in simple mode, now however there is a shortcut.
Moving Avios between BA users
Two executive club users today can combine their points, but there are two stakes: there is a £50 fee that BA applies to the transaction and there is an annual limit at 60k avios points. This is not exactly the best situation, but within the regulations of the British Airways loyalty program this is the only way to go.
Of course for me this is not a problem since BA allows those with Gold status (or higher) to transfer points for free and unlimited to other users. A choice that is also correct, in order to have that card you have to fly a lot, so it fits that among the benefits is the ability to give avios to whomever you wish.
Take advantage of triangulation on Finnair and transfer without limits
If you have an account in Finnair's loyalty program that has been active for at least 90 days, you can take advantage of the ability to transfer Avios between users, without any limitations, and for a single fee of €10.
Assume then that user Marco wants to transfer 100k avios present on his BA card to Francesca.
- Both will need to have an account on Finnair Plus
- Marco will transfer, free of charge and in real time his 100k avios to Finnair card
- Going to the appropriate page and the transfer process will begin
The transfer is virtually instantaneous and at this point Francesca will have the 100k aviosios donated by Marco in her account. Francesca can then transfer these avios back to BA, QR, or book through Finnair as soon as she receives the credit.
IMPORTANT. It is Marco's account that must have been active for at least 90 days, not the account of the person who will receive the points, which can be brand new instead.
In conclusion
This little ploy makes it possible to Exceed the 60k annual avios limit and save more than 50€ on transfer fees, of course if you are in a hurry there is no way to overcome the 90-day hurdle, but otherwise as easy as a glass of water